Thank you for your interest in our schools! We know that selecting a school for your child is a major decision, and we are honored that you have chosen to learn more about our schools. We trust that each step of our enrollment process will be clear and that you will not hesitate to call, email, or visit to have your questions answered.
We provide school choice in Christian education! Our schools provide options for parents seeking the right educational fit for the children God has given them to raise.
All of our schools operate on a similar schedule and share after school activities such as sports, drama, and clubs. This allows parents with multiple children the freedom to enroll them in more than one of our schools.
No matter which of our schools you choose, we are committed to preparing our students to impact our culture for Christ by providing an excellent, Christ-centered education. Our goal is to educate the heart as well as the mind.
We look forward to meeting you and introducing you to our unique educational model.
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